Last Post on 2009! :)

Waowww.. sudah akhir tahun aja tau2.. Dan kekreatifan gw dalam menulis blog semakin menurun dari bulan ke bulan. Dulu awal tahun masih rajin banget..skrg nulis sebulan sekali aja udah Alhamdulillah banget. Wew.. Cita2 jadi penulis kok begini yah. Hehehehe.

Btw, besok adalah hari terakhir kita semua menjalani tahun 2009. Well, 2009 didnt treated me really nice... except for the love life (thank God)..and the rest of my life seems so unorganized. I feel like wasting a LOT of quality times with beloved peoples in my life. Instead of using it wisely, i almost spent my times so useless. Damn, i gotta have a better-organized life next year! We all should! Amen to that!
Oh yeah, i dont like resolution. I dont need it. Seriously. Bagi gw ga ngaruh. Hehehehehe. Just go with the flow, but really sure where to go and what to get. Jangan lupa berusaha dan bismillah! :) :)

Eh pada kemana aja taun baruan? Gw sendiri memilih untuk melewatkan malam taun baru bersama pacar di bandung. Curiga ga bisa kemana2 sih. Pasti macetnya naujubilaminjalik. Lagian gw kesana bukan buat jalan2. I just want to have a quality time with him. Misses that long talks, stupid little fights, big laughs, and all our jokes. Really miss it! Hiks..

So long friend! See ya on the next year! Mudah2an gw jadi rajin nulis ya. hehehehehehe. Happy New Year 2010 fellas!

please please please no traffic jam like this tomorrow.